
What is VN? Vida Nueva is an extreme 3-day encounter with Christ! You’ll journey with other 15-20-year-olds through the death and resurrection of Jesus to find the true meaning of NEW LIFE in Him. With Jesus as the ideal, you’ll learn how to live a grace-filled, Christian life with confidence.

Vida Nueva is:

  • Spanish for “New Life.”
  • A three-day weekend beginning Friday evening and ending Sunday evening.
  • Held separately for young men and young women.
  • A weekend of living in Christian Community.
  • A clear and obvious experience of the work of Christ in the world today.
  • A tool of God, not an end in itself.

Vida Nueva is not:

  • A revival meeting, but does embody personal witness.
  • Group therapy or sensitivity training, but does involve group dynamics.
  • A church school, but does employ Christian instruction.
  • A church substitute, but does have follow-up activities.